Hannah Kramm
Let's collaborate
WeSwarm is a concept design for an app that uses gaming to encourage more responsible transportation choices. WeSwarm enables individual users to navigate multi-modal transportation options seamlessly and helps communities of users develop site-specic, user-generated transit hubs that extend the reach, usability and quality of existing transit infrastructure. WeSwarm is integrated with a web platform, that helps users make informed transportation choices, network with other travelers, and engage in fun, competitive riding to motivate new mobility practices.
This project was one of 6 winning designs for the EDF Sustainable Design Challenge and was displayed at the 2012 Olympics in London. Later it traveled to Sainte Etiene for the Biennale International Design 2013
Team: Hannah Kramm, Natsuki Hayashi, Leila Mougui Bahktiari, Juliette Lefort, Carlos Yusitis and Lou Wright.